Thursday, January 24, 2008

Feeling Indescribable...

Somehow I feel really indescribable tonight. I’m not happy, not sad. You could say I was frustrated I guess. Or scared of the unknown… Just thinking about the future and what it holds…excited, yet nervous. Unsure of how my goals and desires will unfold...and yet it's not about my goals and desire - but rather His plans and purposes for me. He has given me desires and generally leads us to do things that match our desires...

That's something to think about - God's plans and our desires. He gave us certain desires - to bring glory to Him. Yet, why do we so often resist to do what we love to do? Doing what He has created us to do isn't wrong, or bad - in fact, it's what He wants us to do! We each have different strengths, abilities and desires - and he wants us to all give what we have to honor Him...

I guess the tricky part is figuring our your desires, and combining them with serving Him - sometimes not always a clear path!

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What have you done with this quarantine time?

I’ll be blunt. This question has kind of driven me nuts the past few weeks. To be honest, we have done what we have always done. Worked ...