Why is it that oceans invoke deep thoughts from your mind? Walking on the beach, gazing at the rolling waves, unable to see the end of that big space of water, somehow one’s mind, (or at least mine) starts going back in time, remembering people, places, events. I start to regret mistakes I’ve made, celebrate joys I’ve experienced, and even begin to form new dreams and goals for my life.
Pelicans dive into the water to get a fish. I think about people I need to forgive, or maybe think about those from whom I need to ask forgiveness. Dolphins rise slowly from the crest of a wave. I think about celebrations such as weddings or the birth of a new baby- seems there are a few of those in my extended family every year! Huge waves begins to break far out into the distance. I think about going new places, and encountering new people who have never heard His Story before. Another wave crashes onto the beach, and comes up higher on the sand than any of the others. I think about staying right where I am and using the gifts God has given me to serve Him among people I already know and love. Then, for a while, the waves are constant, just rolling. I think about the past, and can’t believe how much God has brought me through. All of the sudden, the pattern of the waves change, both massive and miniature, mixed together. I wonder about the future, and what new plans God may have for me.
After my thoughts slow down, I soak in the moment, thankful to be alive and well and able to see such a beautiful sight. As I stand on the sand, near the water, and watch the waves roll over my toes, I can’t help but thank Our Creator for the wonderful gift of the ocean.
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