Thursday, February 4, 2010

Above it all...

Written: 28 Jan, 2010 – Posted 4 Feb, 2010
So after 22 hours on the same plane- only about 15 of which were actual flying time, we landed in the foggiest capitol city in South Asia in the last in 50 years!

(Picture- view from the plane window - the terminal building is about 40 feet from the wing, but completely invisible due to the fog- I still have no idea how we even landed!!)

We arrived in the airspace, but due to fog and a plane stuck on the runway, we had to fly another hour to a different city to land, and refuel before returning to attempt landing again.

Finally around 5am, we landed.  I had another domestic flight a few hours later.

Having slept some, but not nearly enough for the past 36 hours, I felt okay, but not exactly thrilled to get on another plane for another 2 hours to ‘Tea Town’ where I would be assisting with a storying training for 6 teams.

But…I had forgotten that, having flown this route a few times before, on a clear day, the majestic Himalayan mountains can be seen (Everest, and K2 included!) from the plane window.

As we cleared the fog below, the sun shone brightly, and sure enough, the white crests that illustrate dominance, strength, endurance, power, and sustainability, began to appear.

I could not take my tired eyes away from the window.  I thought about the One who contains all of these qualities and more beyond even the imagination of what the tallest mountain in the word illustrates!  And I said, ‘thank you.

In spite of the delays, and the fog, it was like a little gift to me to say, ‘Hey, I’m here.  Remember, I’m still in control of it all and you can trust me!’

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