Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Email Update!

Dear Friends and Family,

“The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go (to South Asia!), both now and forever.” ~Psalm 121:8

Greetings from a few thousand miles away from most of you!
I’m in South Asia for the next 3 weeks assisting with story training for the Mercy teams!!

Short Version:
*”Non-stop stories!!”  – Even at a workshop for Mercy Team projects, stories must still be checked for other story teams in other areas!
*”Nothing is impossible for God” – Discussing testing results, and how to improve the stories… it’s a huge blessing to be able to do this with the Mercy Story team in person!
*A stirring in my heart – blog entry regarding ‘re-entry’ to my second earthly ‘home.’

Longer Version:
“Non-stop stories!” – I was talking with another consultant this week about the flow of stories and she said, “It’s non-stop!!  I’ll finish consulting on a story, and I’m lucky if a half hour goes by before another story comes in my inbox!!”  It’s true!  It doesn’t matter what day it is – Saturday, Sunday, AM, PM, rain or shine, the stories never stop coming!  Even while I am here working on the Mercy team stories, I still receive story files from the Tea Town teams in another part of the country!  While it can be overwhelming, it is a good sign because these portions of God’s Word are getting crafted into oral stories to be shared with those who have never heard!

”Nothing is impossible for God” – Right now, I’m in South Asia with the Mercy Teams.  We are checking every part of the process: story crafting, testing, and documentation.  Today, one of the Mercy Team members, ‘Abe’- played the Abraham and 3 visitors story for two friends and asked them to retell it  [This story is when God tells Abraham that his wife will have a baby, and then says, ‘is anything is impossible for God?’]

When both friends retold the story, they left out the part when God says to Abraham, ‘is anything impossible for God?’  We discussed how to make this part more memorable since it seemed to be a big point in the story.  Abe said that he would adjust his voice, add repetition, as well as answer the rhetorical question with a statement.  The story now says something like, “Is anything impossible for God? No, nothing is impossible for God.  Nothing is impossible for God.”  When tested again, it was retold accurately.  A seemingly small, but still very significant change in the story!
I’m excited to see the team applying the things they have learned in the past few months to new stories they are working on!  Here is a picture of us, hard at work!

A stirring in my heart – a recent blog entry:  As usual, travelling, has got me thinking… Here’s a recent blog entry about the strong pull that this country has on my heart.

Praise for safe travel!
Praise for a peaceful place to call ‘home’ for the next 3 weeks.
Praise for the Tea Town teams working hard on their stories – pray for logistics to be worked out for final recordings.
Prayer for continued rest and sleep at night, and no back pain.  I typically wake up and can’t go back to sleep because my back hurts so much.  This happens when I’m in the USA too, but it is worse in South Asia.
Prayer for good communication for the Mercy teams at this workshop-- 4 different nationalities and multiple languages (8+) represented at this workshop!

I’ve been posting pictures and updates on facebook…you can ‘friend me’ by going here:

Til All Have Heard,

~ Elizabeth

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